Jai Bhagwan!
Today’s sadhana was at the local community center which doubles as physical education space for the local high school. Just started the first round of surya namaskar when a loud gaggle of teenagers ran past. Today’s intention was ruthless determination in the postures. I had Wednesday’s class hold each pose longer than I normally do to help emphasize tapas. As I watched my students holding tadasana, my body just ached to be holding the posture with them. The result was that I experimented with intense holding within my own sadhana. The releases were nearly uncontrollable they were so powerful.
While moving into utthita parsvakonasana I could distinctly feel my hips rotating as I extended my torso. I immediately grabbed my hip bones and used them to rotate my pelvis forward. The end result was a much more intense stress in the hamstrings and inner thighs. Using this idea of manual roation of the hips resulted in much deeper forward bends/stretches which had a huge imparct on pashimottanasana.