Money Matters

lotusYoga MoneyI forgot to publish yesterday . . . oops.  Rereading what I wrote yesterday and thinking about being a paid instructor started me thinking about making a complete career switch.  So, I started running the numbers this morning.  My wages allow me to provide a modest home, good eats and my wife doesn’t have to work.  That last bit is so vital to me.  My mother worked in the home until we were all in school and then she started working at the local elementary.  When we were home, she was home and I know that had a huge impact and played a vital role in the way my brothers and I developed socially.  I want that same safe and nurturing environment that only a mother at home can provide for my children as does my sweetheart.  That being the case, any career path I take must allow me to provide an environment where my dear wife does not need to work.  Looking at the numbers, being a Yoga instructor full time won’t allow that so long as our children are at home.  The community center would need to pay me nearly three times what they do just to keep me even with what I’m earning at my day job.

Yoga MoneyJust out of curiosity, I decided to see what other instructors around the United States are earning.  Imagine my shock when I found forums stating that all instructors should be demanding $75-$100+ per hour!  I have heard many stories of Yoga becoming too expensive for the everyday man to afford and with such an attitude among some instructors, it is no wonder!  Thankfully, the walk-in cost for classes at the community center is $3.00 for non-members and free for members.  Honestly, I would rather be a part time teacher sharing something I love in a way just about anyone can afford than to be an affluent instructor to the stars!
