January 13, 1913 – December 29, 1981
Bapuji, also known as Swami Kripalu or Swami Kripalvanandji, was my guru’s guru. Today is the anniversary of his Mahasamadhi, the day he passed out of this life. Mahasamadhi is said to be a conscious and intentional act but it stands in stark contrast to a night, decades earlier, when Bapuji decided to end his life as a 19 year old.
He had decided that his life was a failure and no longer worth living. Bapuji went to a local temple and prayed. He would turn 19 and end his life all in one breath by throwing himself in front of the midnight train. He spent the day in the temple, waiting for the appointed hour. During that time, an old sadhu tapped him on the shoulder and instructed the young man to follow him. Startled, Bapuji followed. The old man said, “Son, you are contemplating suicide. You must not do it. Come to my ashram tomorrow afternoon.” Bapuji was shocked, he hadn’t told anyone his plans but this sadhu knew them. Bapuji did not jump onto the tracks; rather, he went to the ashram and began his studies with the sadhu, Dadaji.
In time, Bapuji took sannyasa initiation, left his worldly life behind and became Swami Kripalu. He was known as a Kundalini master and spent 10 hours a day in sadhana. For 12 years he practice silence, communicating only by writing. He was exceptionally dedication to his sadhana.
For years he taught and trained two of his most devoted disciples: Amrit and Urmila Desai, Gurudev and Mataji. Gurudev has continued the work of Bapuji and the devotion of Mataji. It has been through Gurudev that I have come to know and love Bapuji.
Jai Dadaji
Jai Bapuji
Jai Gurudev
Jai Bhagwan