I mentioned last week that Wasatch School of Yoga would soon be offering courses in Yoga. When the idea for this school first entered my mind, I planned to wait until Fall to begin teaching but stories that some of my current students have shared over the last week have changed my mind. I cannot keep what I know, what I have experienced, what I can teach to myself any longer. For this reason I am happy to announce that Wasatch School of Yoga is ready to start scheduling courses, now!
This school is fundamentally different than any other Yoga offering in Utah for two very important reasons. The first is that the Wasatch School of Yoga is the only organization that offers all of the practices of Amrit Yoga in the state of Utah. I do lead postures and offer Yoga Nidra at the Pleasant Grove Community Center and will continue to do so but those offerings are only tastes of what Amrit Yoga is. I have laid out a complete curriculum of study and practice that will take you from never having stepped on a Yoga mat to the most advanced practices of Yoga in a very practical format. These practices will allow you to develop your own practice, practice with me at the Community Center or continue your practice at your favorite studio in a way you could never imagine possible. Do not take my word for it though! Later today I will post a schedule for a free opportunity for you to have your own direct experience with what I can only describe as something impossible to imagine.
The second way that this school is so different from anything available in Utah has two parts: First, I am not trying to take students away from their current Yoga homes in the studios across the Wasatch Front; rather, I want to build up the practice you already have! Second, Wasatch School of Yoga has no permanent home. All courses are taught in student’s homes. If you have room for two or three others to learn Yoga with you, you can host a course and receive the course for yourself, tuition free. If you have room for four or more, you may actually receive part of the collected tuition. You could be paid to learn Yoga!
Excited? I know I am! Click over to Wasatch School of Yoga right now and discover what is offered and remember to come back here later today to find out when the free 3 Keys of Consciousness workshop will be offered!
Jai Bhagwan!