Please Stand By


Due to the lack of visual aid, today’s post will be delayed.  I apologize for the inconvenience, let me queue up some elevator music for your wait.

I went to edit the image for today’s posture post and Gurudev’s alignment in the picture is, well, wrong.  All of the alignment cues we specifically watch for are very out of alignment in the image:  Back knee is bent almost to the floor, front knee is forward over the toes instead of over the ankle.  I have not felt completely sanguine about using Gurudev’s images from the Sun Salutation chart.  The chart is free but the full sequence chart is not and I have known all along that I wanted to post about every posture in the Level I sequence.  I had planned to eventually take pictures of myself in the postures—actually, I want my wife to take the pictures as I am not known as a fabulous photographer—and apparently, today is that day.

Until later, Jai Bhagwan!