Today was the single most difficult day I have ever experienced here at the ashram. I have been here seven times now and today is the first time that I absolutely did not want to be here. Why? Because a teacher told me what they saw that was holding me back from really showing up and being me and it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. This happened during the morning session and all through lunch it ate at me and it burned and was so painful. Sitting naked among my peers would have felt more comfortable.
Gratefully, I knew I was reacting and that my resistance was misguided. My teacher was not trying to belittle or harm me but was giving me an honest, heartfelt review to help me see what I was missing about myself. During the afternoon session we learned a simple yet powerful technique to resolve conflict, I applied it directly to what I was feeling about the morning and about myself. I remember what I felt at lunch but it’s only a memory now, like something that happened a lifetime ago. Practicing yoga is a powerful tool to transform yourself. I am so happy to be here right now.
Here are some pictures showing some of the work we did this morning along with a view of the Darshan Room where we practice and having our teaching sessions.
Happy Independece Day everyone!
Lots of Love

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