Teacher Training

lotusIn 9 hours, my flight will take off for Florida where I will be spending the next 10 days in part I of an intensive teacher training course.  If I have the access I will need, I will post updates here on my blog each day to keep you up to date on how the course is progressing and what I am experiencing while there.  There is a chance, it’s quite likely actually, that I will not have the access I will need to keep this blog updated.  If that is the case, I will post updates to my facebook Yoga Teacher page.  Just click the link at the left—a facebook account is not required to view the page.

To my family:  I hope the kitchen turns out beautifully and have lots of fun while I’m gone!

To my students:  I hope you enjoy Mesha as she fills in for me, thank you Mesha!  Remember to remain focused and balanced!
