I’ve finished my anatomy homework and required reading in preparation for my teacher training at the Amrit Yoga Institute. In a little over 8 days from now, I will be on a plane and making my way to Florida! Tonight I’ll likely do a dry run on what to pack. I’m going to do my best to stick to one suitcase and one carry-on.
Summer-like weather has finally hit and is taking its toll on my classes. Last night I had only five students and I suspect that similar numbers will happen throughout the summer months. Oddly enough, I had seven in the Saturday class which is, I believe, as big as that class has ever been. It’s really no surprise that the class size is down with all the good weather, between summer sports, garden and yard work, family vacations and all the other typical summer activities, it’s very hard to find time to attend one more event, even if it is a great Yoga class!
On a final note, a local newspaper ran an article about another of the rec. center instructors and myself.