I’ve merged the Everyday Yoga blog entries from last year into this blog. If you look at the archives, you’ll notice a jump between October 2002 and October 2003. I didn’t stop practicing during that time, I simply wrote about my Yoga experiences in my other blog, The Whinery Behind the Beaded Curtain.
Speaking of Yoga experiences, I’ve been coming to work early (here by 4:30 AM) so I could practice before work. We’ve been trying to get management to put in an employee gym and last week I was told that one of the storage areas was now set aside for a trial run of just such an endeavor. With the intent of bragging up my use of the area, I began my early morning practice yesterday. I’ve run into a problem that has put a halt to my efforts: I’m enjoying it too much. Sounds insane, I know.
There is no one there while I’m practicing (well, the guys over on the plant but no one in my building), so I have a completely quiet environment. At home I have to contend with four youngsters plus whatever else may be happening at the time. Needless to say, practicing at work was blissful. The problem comes from the fact that my current practice takes around two hours and I only have an hour and a half to practice and get ready for work. Practicing left me aching to finish, the tension created by not completing
my practice basically canceled out the benefits of my practice.
My question to you, my good readers: Where do you find space and time for your personal practice that is free from outside intrusion?