Note, I’ve added entries back to the 28th of March.
This morning was the first extended (about an hour) early morning practice that I’ve done for a while. I really wish that I could do Yoga all day long. It calms me and feels as if someone has wrapped me in a soft warm quilt. It’s beginning to sound a bit repetitive, every time I write about Yoga I sound so overly enthusiastic about it, as if I were writing about some new toy at Christmas. Yet, Yoga is exactly like that for me. Every time I practice it’s as if I had discovered something fantastic and thrilling anew. Today I loved Warrior I and II (Virabhadrasana I and Virabhadrasana II) and Tree Pose (Vrkshasana). As the exalted warrior (Warrior I) I felt immense joy fill me and spill into the space around me. Proud Warrior (Warrior II) brought me strength and confidence. I knew that I could and would conquer/absorb everything that sought to hinder me or cause me to suffer. Best of all was Tree Pose. A powerful quietness surged from the earth beneath me and soared around me. Although I stood in my basement and it was dark outside, I felt as if I were an enormous oak bathed in sunlight on a gently grassy knoll. Is it any wonder that I wish I could spend all day in Yoga?