Hi Kim, Mary, Tina, Monica, Tavia, Miriam, Sidnie, Christine, Jewell and Madson.
Jai Bhagwan!
You might be wondering why I’ve asked you to view this page. I’ve made it with the 10 of you specifically in mind. You are, most importantly, my friends and you are no ordinary people. Do me a favor, watch the video below and see if you can find yourself in it.
Did you find yourself? I did and just incase you missed it, I’ll point out who you are: You’re not the fellow standing alone and looking ridiculous, you are someone much more important than him. You are, each of you, that fellow in the green shirt who first ran out to dance with shirtless-dancing-guy.
Yoga Nidra is not about me or whether I am a great teacher or not. It’s also not about you and whether you are a great first follower or not. Yoga Nidra is something great in and of itself; as some of you have already experienced first hand, it changes lives. We all know someone who could benefit from the stress release or from the health benefits or from setting an intention for themselves but none of them will ever benefit from Yoga Nidra if they don’t experience it.
I’m just shirtless-dancing-guy at this party. I only have the power to reach a very limited group, you. You have the power to reach 10 times the people I can alone. Because you have the power to reach so many more than I can, I am asking you to do just two things: Share the event on your timeline and use the invite button to send invitations to your Facebook friends. As you can see in the images below, the share link is at the very bottom of the guest list on the left side and the Invite Friends button is below the cover photo to the right. Go, click those buttons now. I hope to see the event shared on your walls and the number of friends invited increase soon.
Jai Bhagwan my friends.