Yoga Nidra: Working Intention


Yoga Nidra is this Saturday at 8 pm and for many of you, this will be your first experience with Yoga Nidra.  Because you have already committed to attending, I have made this page with some information on what you can do to prepare for Saturday and receive the most from your experience.

One of the greatest tools Yoga Nidra provides is the use of intentions and there are various kinds of intentions that can be used in a Yoga Nidra session.  An intention is very different from a goal.  A goal has a destination, an end point.  Using goals often means postponing happiness until the goal is achieved:  “I’ll be happy when . . . .”  An intention has no destination.  Intentions are about the journey and not the end point.

What you get is central in a goal.  You are central in an intention.

As I mentioned, there are a number of different types of intentions:  Wordless, unique purpose, primary, secondary and working.  On Saturday, we will be focusing on working intentions.  Working intentions focus on changing obstacles in our lives and those obstacles are simply things we want or need to change about ourselves.  Before Saturday, take a few minutes to make a list of things you want to change about yourself.  Do not be harshly self-critical as you make your list.

Sample list:

  • Lose 25 lbs.
  • Be kind to my spouse.
  • Stop buying things I don’t need.
  • Get over my sadness.
  • Stop being so anxious.
  • Be healthy.

From your list, choose the one obstacle that stands out to you the most.  Most of the obstacles on your list are likely symptoms of some deeper block or obstacle.  Ask yourself why this obstacle exists, what the cause of it is and write your answer down.  You may have to repeat this process a few times.

Sample 1:
Lose 25 lbs.
Why am I 25 lbs overweight?  I eat when I’m nervous.
Why am I nervous?  I am not confident in myself.

A strong working intention needs to be the opposite of what the obstacle is.  “I am not confident in myself” might become “I am confident” or “I trust myself” or “I am outgoing.”

Sample 2:
Get over my sadness.
Why am I sad?  Someone died.

Again, the first obstacle isn’t the real problem but where to go from here?  In this case, “Get over my sadness” might become “I accept my sadness” or “I rest with my sadness.”  Sometimes changing our relationship to our block or obstacle is the most powerful intention of all.

Intentions are best kept short, positive and in the present tense.  “I am happy” is a marvelous intention.  “I will be happy when I get a raise” is a goal and not an intention at all.

Work on your intention today and bring it with you Saturday.  If you find yourself stuck, feel free to message me on Facebook, email me or give me a call at 801-251-6042.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Jai Bhagwan