Jai Bhagwan!
- Vigorous muscle tremors coming out of Pada Hastasana and Prasarita Padottanasana
- Quiet mind chattering during the 1st half of the pose, 2nd half of the pose brought unyielding waves of Prana rushing up the body and washing over the mind, leaving a blank slate.
- Let go of the “need” to go through a set number of postures. Make full use of the time available and give 100% in every pose.
The muscular tremors are becoming more isolated but also much more dramatic, sort of. Muscular tremors have been commonplace in practice for a long while now but about a week ago, they became a focus of daily practice. Previously, unless a tremor started while holding a pose, the response was simply to move through it. Now, any time a tremor starts all other movement stops. Stopping to allow this experience of muscle tremors to be explored has caused the frequency of tremors to go down but the intensity has increased, sort of. I say “sort of” because I visually watched for signs of muscles trembling during one of the more powerful tremors this morning and there was no definite visible trembling either of muscle nor of clothing. Allowing the mind to sink into the sensation creates an ecstatic eruption of euphoria as wave after wave of vitality rushes up the body and then, without effort or decision, the tremors subside and the body continues moving to a neutral—usually standing—position. If, rather than diving into the sensation, I observe the impact of the tremors on the body then there is no euphoria and the movment of energy is more subtle, a gentle upwelling into the torso. Which is the right path to take, dive into sensation or observe? Wrong question as neither is “right”; rather, the question is which approach will further the intention for this practice? The answer to that question will likely change day to day.
So, what are these tremors all about? To be honest, I don’t know. Having said that, they have become a fascinating part of daily practice.