Just returned from tonight’s class. So, time for a quick critique. As per usual, I gave my instructions on pushing into stretches and never pulling. I do this, usually, by placing a strap around my feet and pulling myself into Paschimottanasana. NEVER PULL INTO A STRETCH! Pulling is the single best way to injure yourself. Tonight I discovered the second best way to injure yourself: Forget that you are demonstrating a motion that WILL CAUSE INJURY. Case in point: I had the class move into a wide stance preparing for Prasarita Padottanasana then I said,
Now move your feet to a comfortable distance so you get a good stretch but don’t over do it, I don’t want anyone stretching too far like this.
POP. My left adductor longus gave an unpleasant pop and I realized I had just done exactly what I had instructed the class to NOT do. Thankfully, it was more a warning pop than a WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!
screaming pop. Of course, the only reason it wasn’t a sreaming meanie pop is that I practice regularly and so my muscles are a bit more forgiving. Still, I’m sure I’ll feel a good twinge from it come morning time.
We went through a full Surya Namaskar followed by Vrksasana, Natarajasana, Virabhadrasana III and Garudasana. Then the aforementioned Prasarita Padottanasana, Parsvottanasana. From there we went into a basic introduction to Kapalabhati, Kakasana, Utkatasana, Simhasana (of course!) and ended up with a simple seated back twist and Savasana. We had some chuckles as people found that they just couldn’t quite hit a posture (Vrksanana and Kakasana) or they found the pose was just very funny to be doing . . . Simhasana as always!
The class time kept slipping through my fingers tonight and before I knew it, I only had two minutes of class left and we were just finishing the simple back twist! I hated to do it but I did, I stole a few more minutes of my students’ time and we spent about nine minutes in Savasana. I know why I couldn’t keep track of time: It’s my oldest daughter’s birthday and I spent most of the day at the church helping with the funeral of a neighbor. Still, I need to be able to keep a better focuse during the class so I don’t end up rushing the ends.
As I was leaving class, fall set in with a vengence. Many people have hay fever with the attendant sneezing, runny noses, stuffy noses, watery eyes and the like but not me. No, I suffer from seasonal nose bleeds. The change in relative humidity leaves my sinuses parched so that even the slightest brush on my schnoz will result in a gusher. Thankfully, I can usually stem the tide by guzzling water but guzzling and a good asana practice don’t go well together. Teaching makes the dry sinus issue even worse; so, my question to you my dear readers is this: What can I do to help prevent or at least minimize my nose bleeds, especially after a class as the talking just dries my throat and nose right out? Before anyone mentions vaseline or something similar in each nostril, that’s just more than I can handle so that’s not an option.