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Tuesday, 08 Oct 2002

I haven't completed the site update yet, but it is coming.  I am currently working on figures that will help show the practices that I am currently doing.  They are all stick figures (that's the best I can draw folks) as I am nowhere near adept enough to be photographed and I have no desire to steal someone's pictures just so I can use them here.  The figures were inspired by the images on Yoga Site's Sun Salutation page.  I don't think I'm going to make any major changes to the layout of the site like I had planned but I will be adding those practice images by the weekend.  Maybe I'll even start posting a bit more regularly again, who knows?

Entry at 12:21

Thursday, 10 Oct 2002

I have almost finished the poses/postures for the short practice that I am currently using to focus myself on a regular practice.  There might be a bit of a longer delay than I had anticipated as my maternal grandmother has been hospitalized and will likely only be with us a very short time now.  This morning as I prepared to face a new day in this new chapter of my life, I felt compelled to turn to my practice.  I slowly moved through one complete Sun Salutation and then spent the rest of my time in meditation.  As I moved out of urdhva hastasana (volcano pose) and into uttanasana (standing forward bend) I felt a great sense of strength and peace radiate throughout me.

Entry at 14:55

Tuesday, 15 Oct 2002

OK, I have finally finished all the images for the current Sun Salutation plus a few poses sequence I'm currently using in my practice.  I'll start putting the images up tonight (I hope) and Every Day Yoga will take a brave step forward in a new direction.  I'll also fix the site so that the archives show up correctly.

Entry at 17:29

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