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Wednesday, 07 Aug 2002

Yoga is such a surprising thing.  It is very easy to tell whether I'm doing a pose right or not.  Poses done right feel very natural  Even though there may be great amounts of tension, when I do it right my body just seems to ease into the pose.  Absolutely astounding.

One quick note about what Yoga is not:  Yoga is not an exercise program.  Calling a Yoga session a workout is also a misnomer even though it is possible to break a dripping sweat doing Yoga.  Yoga is much more than just exercise.  Yoga is a journey inward and the asanas are simply the sign posts along the way.

Entry at 22:37

Thursday, 29 Aug 2002

Well, I'm finally starting back into the swing of a regular practice and it feels oh so good.  I have a number of ideas for improving my practice but I just want to establish a very regular routine first and that means that I need to get to bed right away.

Entry at 21:54

Friday, 30 Aug 2002

Well, so far so good.  I must admit that waking up at 05:00 takes a bit of will power but in less than ten minutes I feel so alive and refreshed that it's more than worth it.  I only wish that work were closer so I could spend more time in my morning practice without having to wake up earlier.  Posts should be daily for at least the near future but like last night and this morning, they are likely to be very short with little insight.  It's not great reading but it is a great way to report on my progress with creating a lasting Yoga habit.

Entry at 07:04

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