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Ashtanga Yoga
The Eight Limbed Yoga
(YSP 2.29)
  1. Yama
  2. Niyama
  3. Asana
  4. Pranayama
  5. Pratyahara
  6. Dharana
  7. Dhyana
  8. Samadhi

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Yoga in the News

Last Modified
20:45 10/12/2005

5 March 2004

DANCE REVIEW: Combining the harmony of ballet, voguing and yoga

Yoga being combined with art forms in New York.

4 March 2004

Do not go quietly onto that yoga mat

Reporter's experiences with Yoga.

3 March 2004

Roberts embraces yoga

Hockey player's experience with Yoga.

Say 'Öm': For Travelers, Germany Is Yoga-Friendly

Yoga in Germany

2 March 2004

Yoga master limbers up his flock

Article on Baron Baptiste and his 40 Days to Personal Revolution.

Iron Yoga: It's Not For Lightweights

Iron yoga combines the asanas with wieghts.

25 February 2004

Body ends up being meditating man

A man practicing Yoga in Oakland park was mistaken for a dead man.

Teachers at BV Northwest find a respite in yoga

An article from the Kansas City Star about high school teachers practicing Yoga after a rough day of teaching.  Free registration required to see article.

Strike a pose

Buffalo News article highlighting the appeal of Yoga to teens.

Fitness & Nutrition: Curious about yoga? There are many styles

An overview of Yoga styles (Ananda, Ashtange, Iyengar, and so forth).

24 February 2004

Power Yoga is a whole new twist

Overview of Power Yoga from The Delaware Online News Journal.

It’s yoga, for a beautiful body and mind

Multiple vignettes dealing with the universal benefits of Yoga.

Yoga studios reach out to meet rising demand

Article on the increased interest in Yoga out of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

23 February 2004

Star brand of yoga gets caught in a legal tangle

Yet another article on the Bikram copyright situation.

16 February 2004

Spiritual chic styles grip yoga fashionistas

Kathryn Wexler of Knight Ridder Newspapers takes a look at yoga fashions.

Using Yoga In Schools

KXAN report on using Yoga in schools and the corporate environments.

12 February 2004

Meditation through yoga

Capital 9 News from Albany, NY article on slowing down and meditation through Yoga.

It's Cool to Be Grounded

Yoga Journal Online article about Yoga being used to help at risk teens, as seen in the August 2003 Yoga Journal magazine page 94.

11 February 2004

Writer beats depression through yoga

The Newport Daily News reports on Amy Weintraub conquering her depression through Yoga.

6 February 2004

Bikram master in court battle over yoga positions

OSYU takes Bikram Choudhury to court over his claimed copyright of traditional Yoga asanas.

Yoga is for everyone

A Felix-Online, the Imperial College Newspaper, article about the benefits of regular asana practice.

3 February 2004

Who Needs Prozac?

A short Washington Post interview with Amy Weintraub on conquering her depression through Yoga.

31 October 2003

Yoga eases Parkinson's symptoms for some

This article, first seen via Yoga Circle, takes a look at Parkinson's disease, Yoga and on going research and practical experience with Yoga helping relief Parkinson's symptoms.

30 October 2003

Employees Stretch Away Stress at Work

This Fox News article takes a look at Yoga in the workplace.

11 October 2003

Yoga empire: Bikram turns healing into gold mine

This Deseret News article takes a look at Bikram's yoga in the Salt Lake area.

9 October 2003

Squat & Quack

This Salt Lake Tribune article features kids learning Yoga in the Salt Lake City, Utah area.

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