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Saturday, 27 Jul 2002

Has it really been three months (almost) since I last visited this space?  While I have been more faithful with my practice, it's been a bit spotty too.  I'm finding that purchasing the Yoga DVD's has been both a good and a bad thing.  Good because they make it very easy to get into Yoga.  Bad because one doesn't learn how to practice without them.

I mentioned back in April that I had started to read Secrets of Yoga by Jennie Bittleston.  Very good book, especially if you don't have any Yoga teachers in the area and you want to develop your own practice.  The problem I have with trying to develop my own practice is remembering the sequence of poses I want to use.  Does anyone out there have any suggestions on how to get around this?

Entry at 22:06

Tuesday, 30 Jul 2002

Today while discussing the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) with a co-worker, I stumbled upon a couple of interesting items.  The first is this statement:

On days when you think you have no time for yoga, try and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation.  You'll feel the difference.

Something that I had never thought of doing myself.  The Sun Salutation does not take very long to complete at all and practicing those very basic poses can be surprisingly rewarding.  Two sequences or one full round of Sun Salutation plus some Baddha Konasana (cobbler's pose) and Janu Shirshasana (head to knee pose) and seated meditation took only about twenty minutes.  Not a large investment for the return I received.

While I was searching I came across a variation on the Surya Namaskar called the Maha Namaskar or Great Salutation.  It looks very similar to the practice I detailed back in April.

May you journey well.  Namaste.

Entry at 12:39

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