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Friday, 06 Sep 2002

I think I'm finally back into the swing of a regular practice.  Of course, it helps that I don't feel like I have to push anyone out of the family room anymore because everyone just knows that 8:00 PMish is my Yoga time and strangely engouh there really isn't any competition at 4:30 AM.  I am a bit stiff, mainly from Janu Shirshasana, but it is a great feeling to be back on the mat as it were.

I'm going to redesign this site over the weekend.  While I liked the concept behind the current design, it's flawed and I want to fix it.  I would say that posting might be interrupted as a result but then again, would that really be a change?

Entry at 12:31

Tuesday, 10 Sep 2002

Please note that this site will go black tomorrow at 06:46 UTC-6:00 for 24 hours in memory of those who lost their lives in New York City, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.

Entry at 16:53

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